
12月, 2017の投稿を表示しています

BR1-08: The Big Picture

It was a very, very good photo. And it was mine, just mine. (p.8)  The main character is Kenji Harada in this book. Everyone calls him Ken. He takes photos, it's his job. He is a photographer. One day he recieved a request from an Agency. The content of the requests is to take the photograph of two people. Two people are Takahanada and Kumiko Okada. Takahanada is a famous sumo star in Japan. Kumiko Okada is a beautiful actress. Ken thought that he could sell a good photo of them for millions of yen. But there were already many people there. He gave up it, and he was a hungry and thirsty. He went to the coffee shop. Just then, Takahanada and Kumiko Okada happened to come along. He took the photo and he was very happy. But he almost died because of that photo... If you are interested in this book, please read it. Sue, Leather. (2001). The Big Picture. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

BR1-07: Marcel and the Mona Lisa

"And he's ... stealing the Mona Lisa!" (p.3) Marcel is a French mouse, and a detective. He has lots of friends in Paris. One of them is Céline. She paints pictures and is very beautiful. Céline's home is at the Louvre. Marcel often goes there for dinner. One day he arrives with some pink flowers. There is a guard at the door. He doesn't know him, he thinks he must be new. Marcel had a meal with Céline, after that he walks across the floor. He is very happy. Then he stops. The room is dark, but he can see something. There was a man with a long knife. He stole the Mona Lisa. The thief smiles and picks up the bag, but a second later he puts it again. Marcel thinks "It's now or never." He runs along the wall very fast, climbs up the tall, black bag, and jumps inside it... If you are interested in the rest of that story, please read it. Stephen, Rabley (1998) Harlow: Pearson Education