
6月, 2018の投稿を表示しています

BR2-11: The Surprise

"Now he's got a name," says mum. "Dacty sounds nice. It suits him." (p. 12) It's Saturday evening. Roger, Helen and their parents are playing cards in the living room. Suddenly the telephone rings. That was their Aunt Elizabeth and she will come back from Greenland. The next morning she came and had a very strange present for Roger and Helen. It's a big egg. One day the egg cracked and appeared a long beak from inside. It looks like a bird, but it hasn't got feathers. It was actually a pterodactyl, which is a type of dinosaur. It was named Dacty. Six months pass and Dacty is very big, so he lived in the museum. At midnigt Dacty sees lights moving. It was thieves and he caught them. He became famous overnight. Gerngross, G. (2007). The Surprise. Helbling Languages.

BR2-10: Holly the Eco Warrior

"That is so unfair!" (p. 11) Holly liked nature and eco-friendly products. She always checked that the vegetables were organic and the coffee and chocolate were Fair Trade. She hated her father's car too because it used too much gasoline and made too much noise. One day her father said "I am thinking of changing my car". Because he can work from home. In short, he is going to need an office and cut down the oak tree for it. However Holly cannot accept his suggestion. The tree is her favorite place, so she starts an unusual protest and moves out of her home and into the tree house. This was war... Who will win the battle of tree?

BR2-09: David and the Great Detective

I'M IN TROUBLE. HELP (p. 48) David dreams of becoming great detective, like David Delgado, his hero. David Delgado is tall and thin with fair hair. He is wearing a black jumper, a long dark coat, and black leather boots. He is a very cool, but real David is shy. His mom often worries about him a lot. He was bullied at school. One day he saw two boys, they weren't wearing school uniforms. A boy with red hair is riding a bicycle, the other one is running beside him. But the bicycle owner is Jack! If you are interested in the rest of that story, please read it!

BR2-08: The Red-headed League

THE RED-HEADED LEAGUE IS DISSOLVED. October 9, 1890. (p. 34) When Jabez Wilson asks legendary detective Sherlock Holmes and his trusted friend, Dr Watson, to investigate a mysterious organisation, The Red-headed League, they find that there is more to the organisation than meets the eye. Wilson looked like an average British working man, fat, arrogant, and slow. He wore baggy grey throusers, a black coat, unbuttoned in the front, and a drab waistcoat with a heavy watch-chain. One day, he was chosen to be a member of the red-headed league. He worked there, but suddenly the whole business came to an end. It was being connected to a different problem. This was my first time to read a Sherlock Holmes story. It was very interesting, so please read it!